Friday, March 28, 2008

I Probably Don't Like You

This won't count as one of my most productive posts, oh well. I'm about four real posts behind. Got the Washington Homebrewers Association, our Clubs' Wheat Beer Shindig, Hard Liver '08 & Cask Fest '08 to blawg over.

Looking over the bids on that eBay deal, I can't tell if any of the people who pushed the prices up won any of the auctions. Have to wait for all the feedback to register. Maybe see if eBay can give the series of auctions a once over and make the call on whether or not there were any shenanigans.

Plus that fawking AHA TechTalk mailing list is dumbing waay down lately. Knock it off with the clone recipe requests, shitheads. Sack up and do the work yourself!


Monday, March 24, 2008

The Cascade Crown Caper Results Show

Got my 30 year old Cascade crown today. Huge hunk of hop rhizome with tons of pale shoots coming off it. I won the eBay auction last week. I held off leaving feedback until the package came. I left my feedback (all excellent, Dave at Freshops is a gentleman and master of customer service) and noticed that all the auctions that ended before that f***u shithead caught wind ended at about 50 bucks. I ended up getting stuck for more than 3 times that. Grrr.

F***u, whoever and where ever you are, if you managed to actually win some of these hops, I hope that they rot in the ground.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The Cascade Crown Caper

Who's the fuckhead jacking these bids up? Bold moves to corner the Cascade Crown market.

Bring me the head of "f***u"!

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Gary Gygax 1938-2008

Raising a tankard of mead in honor of the Grand Mage of Gaming.